Durham University


This study is looking to recruit candidates aged over 18 to take part in an online study on dissociative and hallucinatory experiences. The study should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, and your responses will be anonymous. You can sign up to the study here.

Researchers at Durham University are looking for participants to take part in an online study on dissociative and hallucinatory experiences. You will be asked to complete some questionnaires. It should take approx. 30 mins and be completed in a single session.

You will answer questionnaires mainly on dissociation. We will ask if you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, however you can provide as little detail as you like or skip these questions entirely.

The purpose of this study is for research only. It should not be considered by you as a diagnostic measure and is not related to any mental health guidance. Your responses are anonymous. We will collect non-identifiable basic demographic information (such as age) to contextualise the findings. So please answer as honestly and openly as possible.

Please do not take part if you expect to be distressed or negatively affected by the topic of questions on dissociative or hallucinatory experiences, mental health, or anxiety.